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“The Great Beauty ETS”
Definitions and Purposes
Article 1
The Social Promotion Association is established, pursuant to the Third Sector Code (Legislative Decree 117/2017, hereinafter referred to as CTS) and subsequent amendments, and the provisions of the Civil Code on the subject of associations, " La Grande Bellezza ETS” (referred to as the Association in this text) with registered office in via Ricciarelli 11 in the municipality of Volterra (PI).
The transfer of the registered office within the same municipality approved by the shareholders' meeting does not involve a change in the statute, but the obligation to notify the competent offices.
The Association is a Third Sector Entity (ETS), center of associative life, autonomous, pluralist, non-partisan, voluntary, democratic, anti-fascist and anti-racist and has an unlimited duration; does not pursue profit and therefore the distribution, even indirectly, of profits and operating surpluses, funds and reserves, however named, to founders, associates, workers and collaborators, directors and other members of the corporate bodies is not permitted, even in the event of withdrawal or any other hypothesis of individual dissolution of the associative relationship.
The Association can carry out recreational and cultural activities as well as in the sports sectors; including those disciplines and activities of an educational, pedagogical and social promotion nature, in addition to commercial and/or preparatory and/or connected activities, obviously respecting the dictates of the laws and regulations in force regarding Associations.
personality The Association will be able to adopt the procedures foreseen by the law for obtaining the juridical.
The Board of Directors reserves the right to create or modify a distinctive logo of the Association without notice and without this involving the modification of the present statute.
Any reference to pre-existing logos or trademarks that may occur is purely casual and involuntary, in the event that someone should feel injured, offended or plagiarized in any way, it is required, upon simple written communication, that the reasons be reported and the Association will provide immediately, excluding technical times for replacement and/or total or partial modification according to request, and to remedy where this is possible.
What has been declared raises the Association and all its Members from any kind of responsibility.
Please note that the Association is in no way profit-making. The use of the name and logo is exclusively permitted to the President of the
Any use of the name and logo, outside of the hypothesis expressly
contemplated by this Statute must be authorized by the President of the Association, who will also act to protect the name of the logo in any case of abuse and/or violation connected to their use, taking the initiatives he deems most appropriate.
Upon resolution of the Board of Directors, the Association may affiliate with both recognized and unrecognized Third Sector Associations

Article 2
The main purpose of the Association is to promote sociability, mutualism, participation and development of the sense of community, and contribute to the cultural and civil growth of its members, as well as of the entire community in full respect of freedom and dignity of members, inspired by principles of democracy and equal rights of all members.
It works for the purpose of cultural, artistic, tourist, philosophical, social and leisure promotion.
In particular, to achieve its goals, the Association intends, by way of example but not limited to, to promote and carry out activities of general interest pursuant to art. 5 of Legislative Decree 3 July 2017 n. 117 and subsequent amendments and additions such as:
the promotion of people's well-being and the recognition of the right to happiness;
the promotion and management of cultural, artistic, tourist and recreational activities of social interest, also including publishing activities, organization and management of information, training and communication activities, of culture, its forms of expression, creativity and creative aptitudes, spaces for cultural expression, training, creation, production and fruition;
the promotion and management of the exhibition, promotion and/or sale to the public of modern and contemporary works of art.
the recognition of cultural rights, the promotion of universal access to knowledge, learning, education, culture, the use of new communication technologies, the promotion of digital inclusion (eInclusion);
the promotion of volunteering understood as democratic participation in actions of solidarity, cooperation and citizenship, both locally and internationally;
- promotion and dissemination of both vocal and instrumental music of all genres and historical periods; fomento, education and training of musical culture in general, also within school districts through educational paths or musical training projects, to take care of musical growth by providing artistic, educational and organizational services;
- promotion, dissemination and carrying out of educational activities and cultural training, research and promotion in all its forms;
the promotion of a gender approach in the Association and in society, the full valorisation of women's potential, their needs and their role as the founding element of a just and better society for all, the fight against all forms of discrimination and violence;
the promotion of policies aimed at enhancing, requalifying, managing and making available places and spaces that can favor the self-organisation of citizens, as an integral part of the right of association;

- the promotion of cinematographic and audiovisual culture, pursuant to Law 220/2016, through screenings, debates, conferences, courses, publications and public training initiatives referring particularly to the world of youth and educational institutions;
the promotion of defense, support and valorisation policies for people with disabilities;
the promotion of social and sustainable tourism and travel with a cultural and educational value as a form of deepening and enriching knowledge between people and the territories in which they live, also through the direct management of services and/or accommodation facilities such as by way of example but not limited to, hostels, holiday homes, campsites and refuges;
- favor the correct maintenance of psycho-physical well-being in its entirety
- implement an agreement and/or partnership with public or private entities, institutes, universities, associations, foundations, Italian and foreign private companies; schools, entities that in any capacity deal with training, updating and professional orientation; courses for the organization of professional, cultural and advanced training activities;
Article 3
For activities of social utility promoted by the Association we mean in the broadest extension of the term all those activities connected to the third sector, study and diffusion of every form of art and investigation of the nature of the human being of everything concerning the growth personal in every aspect, innovation, development of guidelines in the various fields of publishing, teaching, research and ethical promotion, artistic and philosophical, psychological and scientific research, literature, visual/visual art, theater and cinema; activities related to the fine arts, enhancement and promotion of the traditional heritage of the Italian territory and in particular of Volterra and its hinterland.
It can make use of various tools, materials, audiovisual and multimedia supports and any other form of technology, also in agreement, or by convention, with both public and private structures.
In particular, for the realization of the set goals and with the intention of acting in favor of the community, the Association proposes to:
1) plan and implement editorial, informative, cultural, didactic, training and performing activities that concern the social purposes listed in this article;
2) to provide cultural, tourist and training services, also with the collaboration of professionals, university professors and experts in the sector;
3) promote and carry out publishing, information, dissemination of audiovisual works, research, dissemination and anything else necessary to disseminate culture on the themes of 'personal growth', philosophy, music, literature, performing arts, art in general, of photography, graphic and visual arts also through the publication of articles,

courses, internships, webinars, conferences, creation and dissemination of podcasts, meetings, seminars, workshops, demonstrations and events;
4) promote the development of knowledge and culture among members, encourage the exchange of mutual experiences and ideas through the performance of cultural, editorial and meeting activities (also online) in Italy and abroad;
5) to offer members educational and support services in general, inherent to the association purposes referred to in this article;
6) teaching and research activities, seminars, meetings, conferences, webinars, internships, training internships, and by granting any grants, prizes and scholarships and any type of activity aimed at completing training in general, in accordance with applicable laws;
7) be in possession of or rent suitable structures and/or spaces and equipment for the achievement of the corporate purposes, also through contracts for free use, usufruct, concession and management of movable and immovable property;
8) enter into special agreements and/or concessions for its members with public and private bodies, self-employed workers and professionals;
9) set up a web/telematic space through the use of a dedicated platform in order to be able to broadcast meetings live or record them, as well as live or deferred video lessons, webinars, podcasts, etc.;
10) promote, organize and disseminate experiences, ideas and knowledge, promote and disseminate projects that are inspired by ethical values for personal development, through courses, seminars, workshops, conferences, events in general both live and online; 11) request patronage in any capacity for the initiatives and activities carried out at public and/or private bodies without the latter necessarily holding any office in the Association or participating in the Assembly;
12) promote and disseminate the culture of communication and expressiveness in all its forms (pictorial, theatrical, etc.) through web articles and publications in general, courses, seminars, workshops, conferences, etc;
13) disseminate the thought of philosophers, writers and artists in general, worthy of attention and with evolutionary contents for the person, contemporary and not, through live meetings and also through web and paper publications, diffusion of films on any medium in general, editions in general, courses, seminars, conferences, workshops;
14) organize meetings and courses aimed at teaching artistic techniques such as drawing, painting, airbrushing, creation of art objects with various materials such as alabaster, ceramic, wood, resin, etc;
15) organize, manage and promote events, courses, conferences, demonstrations, screenings, seminars, editions on topics concerning holism and energy practices in all their forms such as, for example, but not limited to, Reiki courses, Shiatsu, Bioenergetics, Therapy and/or Vibrational Transformation, etc;
In compliance with the principles of equal opportunities between men and women, and of religious beliefs, the Association promotes, organizes and manages cultural events and events such as meetings, workshops, master classes, concerts and artistic performances of any kind, theatrical reviews, festivals, seminars , exhibitions, workshops, courses and specialized study sessions, lessons, interventions with tutoring, workshops, coaching, consultancy, courses and events that contribute to the protection and development of knowledge; documentaries, competitions, conferences, stays and study trips,

audiovisual recordings, projections, workshops also with the aid of online tools, webinars, web-radio and/or radio broadcasts, creation of broadcasts and dissemination of podcasting, exhibitions, fairs, exhibitions, courses and conferences relating to the activities of interest listed herein article and any social activity that can contribute to the development of the principles of solidarity, volunteering, equality, and equal social dignity.
The Association recognizes the cultural value of handicraft activities, works of ingenuity, the quality of artisan foods and the safeguarding of regional traditions, crafts, local artefacts and foods, in compliance with principles aimed at preserving and protecting the territory from
any environmental damage.
All fields in which cultural, recreational and educational experiences are manifested and all those in which a civil battle can be waged against all forms of ignorance, intolerance, violence, censorship, injustice, discrimination, racism , of marginalization, of forced loneliness, are potential sectors of intervention of the Association.
The Association can also carry out activities of supplying food and drinks to the members as a recreational and social moment, complementary and instrumental to the implementation of the institutional purposes and activities of general interest, as provided for by art. 85 paragraph 4 of the CTS.
The Association can carry out activities other than those of general interest, expressly identified and regulated by the Board of Directors, provided that they are secondary and instrumental to those of general interest, in compliance with the criteria and limits established by law and implementing rules . The Board of Directors documents the secondary and instrumental nature of the aforementioned activities in the notes to the financial statements.
Article 4
The Association mainly makes use of the activities provided on a voluntary, free and free basis by its own members. The quality of volunteer is incompatible with any form of subordinate or self-employment relationship and with any other paid employment relationship with the institution of which the volunteer is a member or through which he/she carries out his/her voluntary activity.
The Association establishes a special register in which to register the volunteers of the Association who carry out their activity on a non-occasional basis.
The Association may also avail itself, in case of particular need, for the performance of the activity of general interest and the pursuit of the purposes, of employment, self-employment or other services, also by resorting to its own associates/ and, according to the limits and methods established by current legislation
In case of need, the Association can hire employees or make use of them
of self-employment or other types of work, also by resorting to its associates, within the limits established by current legislation and without prejudice to the provisions of art. 17 paragraph 5 of Legislative Decree 3 July 2017 n. 117. In any case, the number of workers employed in the activity cannot exceed 50% of the number of

volunteers or 5% of the number of members. If the Association requests and obtains professional and/or intellectual or work services from its members, distinct from the institutional activity, these will be remunerated with criteria and methods established by the Board of Directors, within the limits of available resources and the effective
lent contribution.
The Members Article 5
The number of members is unlimited and cannot be less than the minimum number established by art. 35 c. 1 CTS. Anyone who approves the aims of the Association, recognizes himself in this Statute and has completed eighteen years of age, regardless of his economic conditions, sexual identity, nationality, ethnic and religious affiliation, can become a member.
Minors under the age of eighteen can assume the title of member only with the prior consent of the parent or whoever exercises parental responsibility.
The aspiring members are required to accept and comply with the statute and respect for civil coexistence.
The status of member, once acquired, has a permanent nature, and can cease only in the cases provided for by the following art. 9. Registrations that violate this principle by introducing instrumentally restrictive rights or time-limit criteria are therefore not permitted.
The aspiring members must submit an application to the Board of Directors, mentioning their name, surname, address, place and date of birth together with the certification of accepting and complying with the statute, internal regulations and resolutions of the corporate bodies.
Article 6
It is the task of the Board of Directors, or of one or more Councilors expressly delegated by it, to examine and express its opinion on the applications for admission, within a maximum of thirty days from the application for membership, verifying that the candidates members meet the required requirements. If the application is accepted, the communication of acceptance will be fulfilled with the delivery of the _______________ membership card to the new member and his name will be noted in the Register of Members.
In the event of a reasoned rejection of the request by the Board of Directors, communicated within the term referred to in the first paragraph or if it is not answered within the same term, the interested party may present an appeal to the President within thirty days of the communication of the rejection or by the expiry of the terms referred to in the first paragraph. The Shareholders' Meeting will decide definitively on the appeal on its first call.
Article 7
The internal organization of the Association is inspired by criteria of democracy, equal opportunities and equal rights of all members.
the members have the right to:
• attend the headquarters of the Association and participate in all the initiatives and at
events promoted by the Association;

• meet in assembly to discuss and vote on issues concerning the Association and contribute to the development of the programme;
• discuss and approve reports;
• elect and be elected members of executive and guarantee bodies
and control;
• examine the corporate books, upon written request to the Board of Directors;
• approve the amendments to the statute as well as the adoption and amendment of the
Members who have been registered for at least 30 have the right to vote in the Assembly
days in the Register of Members and have paid the membership fee at least fifteen days before the date of the Shareholders' Meeting.
Article 8
The partner is required to:
• comply with the statute, the regulations, the resolutions of the corporate bodies;
• pay the membership fees decided by the bodies on the established deadlines
senior executives;
• maintain irreproachable civil and moral conduct in participation
the activities of the Association and in attending the registered office. In particular, it is the obligation of the member to maintain a respectful conduct towards the other members and towards the social bodies as well as towards the good name of the Association, its structures and its equipment;
• refer the resolution of any internal disputes to the judgment of the guarantee bodies of the Association or, failing that, to the members' meeting;
• observe the rules dictated by the territorial, regional, national Association, by the Federations, by the Organizations and by the bodies to which the Association adheres or is affiliated.
The membership fee only represents a binding periodic payment to support the Association economically, therefore it does not in any way constitute title of ownership or participation in the proceeds, it is in no case revaluable, refundable or transferable.
Article 9
Membership status is lost for:
• death;
• dissolution of the Association;
• failure to pay the annual membership fee;
• resignation, which must be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors;
• motivated refusal of the renewal of the membership card by the Council
• expulsion or radiation.
Failure to pay the annual membership fee on time, following a request for payment, including collective payment, entails the forfeiture of the member without the need for any formality, unless specifically noted in the register of members.
Article 10
The Board of Directors has the right to take disciplinary action against the member, according to the seriousness of the infringement committed, by calling

written, temporary suspension, refusal to renew the membership card, or expulsion or radiation, for the following reasons:
• non-compliance with the provisions of the statute, with any regulations or with the resolutions of the corporate bodies;
• denigration of the Association, its corporate bodies, its members;
• the attempt in any way to the smooth running of the life of the Association, hindering its development and pursuing it
• committing or causing serious disturbances during meetings;
• misappropriation of corporate funds, deeds, documents or other
property of the Association;
• to cause moral or material damage to the Association in any way, ai
premises and related equipment. In the event of intent, the damage shall
be compensated;
• causing moral or material damage to another shareholder or third party
occasions in any case connected to participation in the life of the association, or adopt conduct that clearly manifests incompatibility with the social values expressed in art. 2 of this statute.
Article 11
Each of the measures referred to in the previous article 10 must be made known to the shareholder in writing.
Against any disciplinary measure pursuant to art. 10, the appeal is allowed within thirty days to the President who puts it on the agenda of the first Shareholders' Meeting, which will decide definitively.
Corporate assets and reporting Article 12
The social assets of the Association are indivisible and destined solely, permanently and entirely to support the pursuit of the social aims.
It consists of:
• movable and immovable property owned by the Association;
• surpluses from the annual financial years;
• tied donations, donations, bequests;
• reserve fund;
• corporate shareholdings and investments in various financial instruments.
The corporate assets, including any revenues, annuities, proceeds, revenues however denominated, are used to carry out the statutory activity for the exclusive pursuit of civic, solidarity and social utility purposes.
Article 13
The funding sources of the association are:
• annual membership and membership fees for members;
• income deriving from the economic management of assets;
• income deriving from the direct management of activities, services, initiatives e
• public and private contributions;
• donations;
• fundraising;

• any other income not specified above. Article 14
The fiscal year is from January 1st to December 31st of each year. An annual report must be presented to the shareholders' meeting by 30 April of the following year pursuant to art. 13 of the CTS.
An extension can be provided in case of proven need or impediment.
The forecast and economic planning of the following social year is deliberated by the Assembly with regard to the formulation of the general lines of activity of the Association.
Article 15
The establishment and increase of the reserve fund are envisaged. The use of the reserve fund is subject to the decision of the Board of Directors.
The residual assets of each financial year will be donated in part to the reserve fund, and the remainder will be made available for initiatives suited to the purposes set out in art. 2 and for new plants or equipment.
Bodies of the Association Article 16
The governing bodies of the Association are:
• the Shareholders' Meeting;
• the Board of Directors.
All elective offices are free. It is a guarantee and control body:
• the Board of Auditors.
The bodies remain in office for three years and the members can be re-elected.
Through the Regulations or a specific resolution, each body can activate methods of participation for its convocations by means of telecommunication or the expression of votes by mail or electronically, provided that it is possible to verify the identity of the member who participates and votes.
Article 17
All members who have been registered for at least 1 month in the Register of Members and who have paid the membership fee at least fifteen days before the date of the Assembly itself, participate in the General Assembly of Members.
The meetings of the Assembly are ordinarily convened by the Board of Directors by written notice, containing the date and time of the first and second call and the agenda, to be displayed on the bulletin board, local press, or communication may also be made by sending by e-mail / ordinary, or even with the help of other platforms at least fifteen days before.
To deliberate on the amendments to be approved to the Statute, proposed by the Board of Directors or by at least 1/5 of the Members, the presence of at least half of the members with the right to vote is essential, and the favorable vote of at least 3/5 of the participants with the right to vote.
For resolutions concerning the dissolution or liquidation of the Association, the provisions of article 24 apply.
Upon dissolution of the Association, the Assembly will decide on the destination of any residual assets of the Association's assets.

The destination of the residual assets will take place in favor of another Association that pursues similar purposes or for sporting purposes in accordance with the provisions of law 289/2002 and any subsequent amendments, or new legislative provisions on the matter (as provided for in paragraph 8 letter b - art 148 of the TUIR)
Article 18
The General Assembly of members can be convened in extraordinary session by the Board of Directors or by the President for reasons that go beyond the ordinary administration, in the cases provided for by articles 20 and 31, and whenever a reasoned request is made by the Board of Auditors (if appointed) or at least one fifth of the shareholders entitled to vote.
The Assembly must take place within thirty days from the date on which it is requested and deliberate on the matters which have required its convocation.
Article 19
On first call, the Assembly is duly constituted in the presence of half plus one of the members with voting rights, on second call, it is duly constituted whatever the number of attendees.
The Assembly resolves on the issues on the agenda by majority vote of those present, except for the exceptions set out in art. 20.
Voting is personal and proxies are not permitted.
Article 20
For the resolutions of amendments consisting in the implementation of binding regulatory changes, the majority of those present is sufficient in the second call.
For transformation, merger or demerger resolutions, the presence of the absolute majority of the shareholders entitled to vote is essential, and four fifths of those present must vote in favour.
For resolutions concerning the dissolution or liquidation of the Association, the provisions of art. 31.
Article 21
The Assembly is chaired by the President of the Association or by a member elected by the Assembly itself. The president of the Assembly proposes a secretary elected within the Assembly.
Voting can take place by show of hands or by secret ballot when requested by one tenth of the members present with the right to vote.
For the election of the corporate bodies, voting usually takes place by secret ballot, according to the procedures set out in the regulation.
In the resolutions concerning their responsibility, the members of the Governing Council do not have the right to vote.
The resolutions of the meeting are recorded in the minute book by the secretary who signs them together with the chairman. The minutes and recorded deeds are displayed inside the registered office during the fifteen days following their formation, and subsequently remain available to the shareholders for consultation after the deeds.
Article 22
The General Assembly of members, in the terms of the last paragraph of the art. 7: a) elect and summon the members of the corporate bodies;

b) at the end of the mandate, discusses the report of the outgoing Board of Directors and the programmatic address of the new mandate; elects an electoral commission, made up of at least three members, which monitors the conduct of the elections and signs the ballots;
c) appoint and revoke, in the cases envisaged by law, the person in charge of the statutory audit of the accounts;
d) approves the financial statements and any corporate financial statements;
e) approves the general lines of the activity program for the current year e
any relevant economic-planning document;
f) decides on the liability of the members of the corporate bodies and promotes
liability action against them;
g) decides on amendments to the bylaws;
h) deliberates on the assumption of internal regulations, including the regulation of
assembly works;
i) approves the dissolution, transformation, merger or demerger
of the Association;
j) decides on all matters relating to corporate management;
k) deliberates on the other objects assigned to it by the law or by this Statute
Article 23
The Board of Directors is elected by the Members' Assembly, and is made up of a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 15 elected among the members. The Board of Directors is the administrative body established by art. 26 of the CTS, remains in office for three years and its members can be re-elected.
The members of the Board of Directors must not be in any condition of incompatibility provided for by art. 2382 of the civil code (Causes of ineligibility and forfeiture) (The interdict cannot be appointed as director, and if appointed he loses his office [414] , the incapacitated [415], the bankrupt, or anyone who has been sentenced to a penalty involving disqualification, even temporary, from public office [28, 29 of the criminal code] or the incapacity to exercise managerial offices [2380 bis; 32 cp].
Article 24
Within the scope of its functions, the Board of Directors can avail itself, for operational or consultancy tasks, of work commissions appointed by it, as well as the voluntary activity of citizens / and non-members / and, able, for specific skills, to contribute the implementation of specific programs, or establish, when deemed indispensable, specific professional relationships, in accordance with the provisions of art. 4.
Article 25
The Board of Directors elects among itself:
- the President: has the legal representation and corporate signature of the Association and also represents it towards third parties. He convenes and presides over the Council; it can, in cases of urgency, take measures within the normal competence of the Board of Directors which must be subjected to ratification in the next Board meeting;
- the Vice-President: assists the President and, in the event of his absence or impediment, assumes his duties;

- the Secretary: takes care of every administrative aspect of the Association; draws up the minutes of the Board meetings and signs them with the President; chairs the Council in the absence of the President and the Vice-President;
- the Treasurer: keeps the cash and takes care of the economic aspects.
In the event of resignation, death or forfeiture of the President, Vice-President or Secretary, the Board of Directors has the right to elect a new appointee from among its members in office and, if necessary, provide for the reinstatement of a member of the Board according to the rules established in article 28 of the articles of association.
The Council can also distribute among its members other functions relating to specific needs related to the activities of the Association.
Article 26
Duties of the Board of Directors are:
• convene the shareholders' meeting;
• carry out the resolutions of the Assembly;
• formulate social activity programs on the basis of the approved guidelines
by the Assembly;
• prepare the financial statements formed by the balance sheet, from
management report, with an indication of the proceeds and charges of the association, and the mission report which illustrates the balance sheet items, the economic and managerial performance of the association and the methods for pursuing the statutory purposes. Within the limits established by art. 13 c. 2 CTS, the financial statements can be drawn up in the form of a cash statement.
• Prepare any social balance according to the methods and in the cases provided for by art. 14 of the CTS;
• identify the various activities referred to in Article 6 of the CTS to be carried out in harmony with the social purposes and document their secondary and instrumental nature in accordance with the provisions of Art. 13 c. 6 CTS in the mission report or in a note at the bottom of the cash report or in the notes to the financial statements;
• prepare all the elements useful to the Assembly for forecasting and economic planning for the social year;
• prepare the regulations to be submitted to the resolution of the Assembly;
• within the guidelines defined by the Assembly, resolve on
membership management methods;
• deliberate on the admission of members, can delegate one or more for the purpose
several Directors;
• deliberate on the disciplinary actions against the shareholders;
• supervise the ordinary and extraordinary administration
of the Association and, within the guidelines expressed by the Assembly, adopt all the measures necessary to ensure the smooth running of the Association;
• stipulate all deeds and contracts relating to corporate activities;
• take care of the management of all movable and immovable property owned
of the Association or entrusted to it in any capacity;
• decide the modalities of participation of the Association to the activities
organized by other associations and entities, and vice versa, if compatible with the inspiring principles of this Statute;

• submit to the Assembly, upon expiry of its mandate, an overall report on the activity pertaining to it.
Article 27
The Board of Directors usually meets once a month, on a pre-established day without the need for further notice, and extraordinarily when at least one third of the Board members request it, or when convened by the President.
The Board of Directors not formally convened in the presence of all the Directors is to be considered valid.
The meetings are valid when the majority of the Directors are present, and the resolutions are approved by an absolute majority of votes of those present.
The votes are usually open, they can be by secret ballot when this is requested even by a single Councilor. Equality of votes entails the rejection of the proposal.
Minutes of the resolutions are drawn up by the Secretary, who signs them together with the President. This report is kept in the minutes book of the Board of Directors and is available to members who request to consult it.
Article 28
The Directors are required to actively participate in all meetings, both ordinary and extraordinary. The director who unjustifiably fails to attend three consecutive meetings is forfeited. In any case, the Director is terminated after six months of absence from the work of the Council. In the first useful convocation, the Board of Directors takes note of the forfeiture.
The Director has the right to resign from his/her office by formulating it within the meeting of the Board and noting it in the minutes of the meeting, or, if presented outside the meeting of the Board by means of written communication to the chairman and reported by him to the within the next Board meeting.
The director who has lapsed or has resigned can be replaced, where he/she exists, by the member who is the first result excluded from the election of the Board, otherwise the first shareholders' meeting will reinstate the members of the Council lapsed; the newly elected remain in office until the natural expiry of the Council.
In the event that the majority of the members of the Board of Directors lapse from office due to resignation or other causes, the entire Board lapses.
The Board of Directors can resign when this is decided by 2/3 of the Directors.
The Council that has lapsed or resigned is required to convene the Assembly calling for new elections within thirty days.
Article 29
I) The Board of Auditors is a guarantee and control body pursuant to art. 30 of the CTS. If it becomes mandatory by law, the Board of Auditors will be elected, made up of a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 3 members, who can also be identified among people who are not members of the Association.
II) The positions of director/auditor and statutory auditor are incompatible with each other, article 2399 of the civil code applies to the members of the Board (Causes

of ineligibility and forfeiture). At least one of the members must be chosen from the categories of subjects referred to in article 2397, second paragraph, of the civil code, the remaining members must in any case possess proven technical skills, knowledge of the Association and morality.
III) The Board supervises compliance with the law and the statute and compliance with the principles of correct administration, also with reference to the provisions of Legislative Decree 231/2001, if applicable, as well as the adequacy of the organisational, administrative and accountant and its concrete functioning. It also exercises accounting control in the event that a person in charge of the statutory audit of the accounts is not appointed.
IV) The Board also performs tasks of monitoring the observance of civic, solidarity and social utility purposes, having particular regard to the provisions of articles 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the CTS, and certifies that the social report has been drawn up in accordance with the guidelines referred to in Article 14 of the CTS. The social report acknowledges the results of the monitoring carried out by the mayors.
V) The members of the Board may at any time proceed, even individually, with acts of inspection and control, and to this end, they may ask the directors for information on the progress of corporate operations or on specific affairs.
Minutes are drawn up of the resolutions, these minutes are kept in the minutes book of the Board and are available to the shareholders who request to consult them.
Article 30
Without prejudice to the provisions of article 29, in the cases provided for by art. 31 of the CTS the Association:
• may appoint the Board of Statutory Auditors to carry out the statutory audit of the accounts, if it is made up of statutory auditors entered in the appropriate register;
• or will appoint a statutory auditor or a statutory auditing company entered in the appropriate register.
Dissolution Rules Article 31
Without prejudice to the provisions of art. 49 of the CTS, the reasoned decision to dissolve the Association must be taken by at least four fifths of those present, in a valid Assembly in the presence of the absolute majority of the members entitled to vote. If such a majority is not possible during three successive meetings, recurring after at least twenty days, the last of which is adequately publicized in the press, the dissolution may in any case be resolved by a majority of those present by a specially convened meeting.
In the event of extinction or dissolution of the Association, the assets, after deducting the liabilities, will be donated, with the prior positive opinion of the Regional/Provincial Office of the Single National Register of the Third Sector (RUNTS), and save for a different destination imposed by law, to other bodies third sector adherents, according to the methods established by a specially constituted board of liquidators, and in harmony with the provisions in this regard by the CTS. The same procedure also applies in the event of cancellation from RUNTS pursuant to art. 50 of the CTS.

In any case, any division of the residual assets between the shareholders is excluded.
Final Provisions Article 32
For matters not provided for by the statute or internal regulation, the Assembly decides in accordance with the territorial and/or national statute of the CTS, the Civil Code and current regulations.

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